View Videos from our extensive WCG video gallery where we are capturing all types of activities related to wildlife and animals found around Bannerghatta national park

Castle Rock night frogs

Competition isn’t restricted to a Man’s world, these frogs too have to fight it out! Be it for food, or for a mate. One male was attempting amplexus and out of nowhere another male started calling out loud

Rescuing Snakes

It is a very common scene of appearance of snake during summer and we were notified with the same on one such summer in nearby residential area. we with our team reached the spot and it was found that the snake belongs to the group of rat snakes. With the help of localites we rescued the snake and it was left in the forest nearby.

WCG 2014 Report(Kannada Version)

WCG 2014 Report (Kannada Version) and Making of drama, Kaadina Kuusu

WCG 2014 Report(English Version)

WCG 2014 Report (English Version) and Making of drama, Kaadina Kuusu

ಕಾಡಿನ ಕೂಸು

(a drama about mother forest child)

This drama was shot with an aim to enhance awareness of environmental sustainability and help understanding their role in environment protection.This drama was shot entirely while school students were on the trip to North india by WCG

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3